A Better U, Makes A Better World

Doing what you love

“Have you ever helped someone with something? Build something, lend a friend some money, hold the door open. You know that feeling you get in your stomach? It’s euphoric, something that’s hard to put into words. This is a feeling I’ve felt all my life & never want to lose it. If I could help people for life, on a grand scale I’d be more than satisfied. And that’s when it clicked to me that I was going to create a company that would operate on helping people, someway or they're way.

What started as a community project idea, has now turned into a vision for the people. iAmBeU was created with the intent to give people a fair chance at doing things their way for once. From a personal level to a business level we wanted to ensure people that no matter what you can BeU and be accepted for it as well. Our mission is to empower businesses and inspire individuals to create better tomorrow.” CEO / Founder - Darius Martin

Changing the world is easy, we’ve done it before


Think about it

When you wake up, whats the first thing you do? Brush your teeth, take a nice long yawn, kiss your wife good morning? No, we grab our phones to see who's liked our picture, if our last sales post is reaching a new audience, or to get the latest news. Checking for notifications, or things that’s trending. Before posting a photo we attach a filter, & if you have a business it better have a social media profile. Whatever it is, we run to social media for the answer as the average person spends 147 minutes a day on social media a day & about 82% of the population is on at least one platform.

And although social media has been great to us, even an asset to most. It isn’t the people who benefit from social media the most. Not even business profiles or the accounts with millions of followers.

Analyze it

Social media platforms are doing more damage than good and making billions a month, just off keeping you hooked onto their platform. On average a person has 8 different social media accounts / profiles. And how many of us actually read the terms or know how these big platforms use are data & make their money?

Businesses aren’t getting the most out of platforms that could really make a difference. 56% of small businesses use social media and 97% of Fortune 500 companies use social media as well. With all this traction, still 84% of users only spend $50 or less on ad’s. Ad’s are expensive and chances of actually reaching and growing your crowd, or clientele organically are slim to none. Since 2016 social media’s organic reach has continuously decline & this isn’y by accident, as the algorithms in place prioritize the Ad’s instead of the user.

Make A Change

Your favorite social media platforms are selling your data, controlling what you see, and almost what you do. There is no privacy, and the users are not the priority but, the commodity. The platforms have, have created something so amazing yet detrimental.

Taking up all our time, as we run here for every need. Our focus & perception of reality has been watered down, & most can’t even see what’s going on. People put their lives into social media only to be repaid with a “Like”. It’s time we put our users first, put the people first, put that small business first & it stars by giving our consumers a chance to be in charge.

In order to change something or to bring change you must first take heed to the problem, analyze it, and then take action. This journey will be fun and refreshing as we repurpose what social media has become, into a new purpose. It’s time for the people to wake up, realize change is needed & it starts with us.


Dream it

It all begins with an idea. Our first of its kind application gives users a new platform to connect & express themselves in a way like no other. We want users to be able to have more freedom and control, on a platform that doesn't function without its users. We’re giving social media a new look, new layout, & new features, striving to take social media to new heights. Giving users the freedom to do a little more, while not taking away from the things they enjoy and are used too. We wanted to create an environment that brings back social media’s original purpose, while also capitalizing on what social media has become.

And since we are incorporating a full e-commerce marketplace, Business profiles will now be able to create content with a purpose. Thats right a separate profile to dedicate towards your business. Allowing users to connect, interact, market and sell at a higher level. iAmBeU will mobilize companies and take entrepreneurship to new heights. Your new and improved business profile will ACTUALLY assist in growing your business, as we have implemented a new system that will allow users to take there business to the next level. iAmBeU isn’t just a platform but, a way of life.

Build it

This app will grant users two different profiles: one will be for personal use & one dedicated to your business. Individuals will now have a profile that’s personal & grants users granular access to customize their profiles to how they see fit. From color & font, to backgrounds and the layout. This is your page and it should look how you want it to. You are now in control of your algorithm, and what you see. The ability to locate & purchase items and services swiftly in the marketplace. Express yourself, freedom of speech, create, share, & connect with friends, family, and businesses on a new level, All while protecting your privacy. The New BeU profile takes social media & leisure to new heights.

And for our business users you now are officially a business! That’s right you can now design your store how you see fit, upload items & services, track your sales and analytics, and make purchases from other businesses. No longer having to drive traffic to website, or maintain the cost to keep one up as most small businesses struggle with maintaining monthly cost, or the cost to create an attracting website. Creating a world where businesses can not only grow and connect effectively but, bring back the joy of starting & running a business.

Grow it

We live in a time where everyone wants to be someone, or do something. Whether an entrepreneur, small business owner, blogger, creator, artist, influencer, or just enjoy daily posting. Some still go to college but, come out & freelance their services. People have found tons of new ways to make money and express themselves with the little resources they have. iAmBeU looks to target millennials who see the ‘expectation vs. reality’ dilemma of today’s social media platforms. iAmBeU is much more than just another social media app. the iAmBeU app is a fully-integrated social commerce platform that enables individuals to redefine what it means to be on social media, and allow businesses to grow rapidly by building a virtual storefront. Allowing business and consumers co-exist and take part in building a self-sustaining community.

Join Us, Changing the world is easy, We’ve done it before. Everyone is someone, why not BeU?